Tuesday, August 7, 2007


有些梦 会模模糊糊的,只是短短续续的 记不起梦中是否有颜色, 是否有味道。

一个人常年会发一千三百个梦左右。 好的梦,可能代表你睡得好,第二天,精神饱满, 发恶梦呢, 可能第二天,你就要带着惺忪眼上班了。搞不好,还要被老板骂 光天化日 发白日梦呢!

梦,对我来说,是个有动感, 有希望的字。 充满着跳耀,能量的感觉。

梦, 也会让我有前进的动力。 让我们跨越很多很多的障碍。 带我们到一个我们平时无法想象的地方。

在现实的世界里,如果没有梦,很多事看起来,都是那么要不可及,在理智的思想作祟下,我们往往不敢踏出那一步,就是那股追梦的勇气让我们排除万难,努力争取实现我们的梦。所以,我们因有梦 而伟大。

Monday, August 6, 2007


Pride – According to Wikipedia, is the name of an emotion which refers to a strong sense of self-respect, a refusal to be humiliated as well as joy in the accomplishments of oneself or a person, group, nation or object that one identifies with. It is considered one of the seven deadly sins.

The seven deadly sins are:

· Lust (Latin, luxuria)

· Gluttony (Latin, gula)

· Greed (Latin, avaritia)

· Sloth (Latin, acedia)

· Wrath (Latin, ira)

· Envy (Latin, invidia)

· Pride (Latin, superbia)

In many occasion, pride has been listed as top of the seven deadly sins. In some occasion, it bears the meaning of dignity, self-respect, or in Malay term “maruah”. So it is quite contradicting, isn’t it ? Shouldn’t we have self-respect; shouldn’t we defend ourselves from being humiliated?

Let us analyze if further.

In the context of the seven deadly sins, the pride means the emotion state where it is control by feeling and not rational. The emotion state is dictated by the 1st intuitive feeling against a scenario which is not orientated in the way that we want it to be.

For example, when I see John drive a newer car than mine, I become envy, out of pride.

So in that context, the pride has become the triggering point to envy, and if we don’t watch out the state of mind, we might end up victimized by the feeling. As in example above, I might talk to John with a very unfriendly manner, causing him to wonder why I had responded as such. Has he done anything wrong? This could lead to many misunderstanding in the future relationship.

IF, the pride is based on humanity factors: dignity, self-respect, or achievements, the pride here will be the emotional state that is followed with rational consideration. This will be a good state to be in.

Actually, we should take pride on things that we do, things that we executed. Pride can be a motivator to us, in achieving some feast. It can be a contributor to our personality, it can reflect in our integrity. For we love our pride, we would not want to lose it. We would watch what we talk, what we do.

Friday, August 3, 2007


22 hours ago, 2:43 pm

心灵对话- 1: suicide

I have wrote this blog in another blog space - ahmoi.com. And i have include some opinon from dojob ( a member in ahmoi.com).

Last Saturday, on a business travel to Kajang, after the business deal, stop by a restaurant that I used to go often enough that the owner knew me in person during my days in CyberJaya. The foods are as tasty as before. The owner seems to forget who I am but he did approach me to greet that I look familiar to him. I managed to pull him back into the history and he finally knew that I was one of the loyal customers in the old days.

As usual, casual chat after meal, my business partner (rather my good friend as well whom I know for more than 20 years) told me one of our school mate has committed suicide.

What a shock to me, the person had also joined the same university with me after completed our secondary school.

He had some mental problem during his first year in the university that saw him temporary quit the study and on medication. I managed to talk to some of his room-mates and course mate, some were telling me that he is too stress out, not just on study but also some teaching on religions. (We used to have some religion societies in the U, and being local U, we are more exposed to certain teaching as there are classes for that).

During second year, he came back after some treatments; he seemed mentally ok, and on medication that he needed to take some pill to control the situation. I told him to follow doctor’s advices to take medicine promptly.

Unfortunately, he failed adhering to doctor’s advices, his mental problem crept in again later of the year and that incident concluded his study life. I had not seen him anymore in the campus.

I went on to complete my study and start to contribute to the country as a tax payer. And that part of memory seems to fade away and move into a gray area. Not expecting that one day I bounced into him again..

As our conversation went, I found out that he has been working after the second time he left the university, I refrained myself to talk about his sickness, but both of us know that we all knew about these fact, at the end we exchange telephone number and we shot off each other way.

When the news of suicide came to me, I was first shock as I thought he should be ok after the recovery from the second incident. My friend told me that his family has that trait (i.e. mental problem), it is just a matter if the problem explodes or not.

For few nights, I have been wondering why he had chosen to end his life this way, is it relief to him or he think this is a relief to his family? Obviously, there is no way I can get the answer now from him. I inclined to believe he is seeking relief for his family (his family was quite poor, and his father has passed away before the Uni time). Whether his objective is archived, I don’t know, but for sure, that is a bad memory for the people who know him, and for his family members that who love him. That is surely a heartening sad moment.

To my friend, RIP. To his family, i share your sadness moment, i can't do much but hope this experience would not haunt you longer


Maddog. I am sorry to hear that you friend had committed suicide due to unforeseen circumstances.

To be honest, people who choose suicidal path as a solution to end all the life misery etc is a self-fish category of earthling. It is a very irresponsible act and it can be deemed as one of the lowliest act a human can do at the expense of others. A person who suicide creates a chain of mix-emotion which includes anger, hatred, depression, etc etc.. These seeds are no good and I condemn such foolish act...

take care.


hi dojob, i think you wrote from the angle of buddhism, suicide act is condemmed by buddhism and view as the biggest sin.

I have a question, is there any circumtances that buddhist reckon that suicide is not a sin ? If you heard of one.


Maddog, that's a good question.

The law of karma says 'what goes around comes around' or 'you reap what you sow'. It is the intention that fuels a person's behavioural action. Intention can be classified as wholesome (good) or unwholesome (bad) intentions. When you have intentional seeds, you will act upon it and in turn it will become a behavioral actions. All behavioural actions are perceived differently by different ppl..

Let me tell you an interesting story which I read in the past..

While XiaoPing was walking in the jungle, he saw a hungry tigress was roaring furiously at her cubs with the intention to eat them..Instead of running away from the scene, XiaoPing's heart was quenched with love for the cubs, and he laid on the ground to let the tigresss and the cubs to eat him.. Do you call this action as suicide or sacrifice?

Let's dissect this story....

Xiaoping's intention is good, therefore, he will reap good karma...But his behavioural action is subjected to interpretation...some people say his action is good and some says its stupid....Some people say it is a suicidal act and others will say it is a noble sacrification... When you are mindful (not deluded), with wholesome intention, and if you sacrifice yourself for the benefit of other sentient beings, not at the expense of anybody, then that's a good action. If you suicide, a normal negative term that is perceived by the masses, with deluded mind and unwholesome intention, then the action is not justifiable in the law of karma...

Other behavioural actions such as harakiri and kamikaze are perceived in a different ways..I would normally delve into the intentions of the subject before discussing a persons's action, to justify his/her acts... Saddhu...saddhu...saddhu...