Monday, August 6, 2007


Pride – According to Wikipedia, is the name of an emotion which refers to a strong sense of self-respect, a refusal to be humiliated as well as joy in the accomplishments of oneself or a person, group, nation or object that one identifies with. It is considered one of the seven deadly sins.

The seven deadly sins are:

· Lust (Latin, luxuria)

· Gluttony (Latin, gula)

· Greed (Latin, avaritia)

· Sloth (Latin, acedia)

· Wrath (Latin, ira)

· Envy (Latin, invidia)

· Pride (Latin, superbia)

In many occasion, pride has been listed as top of the seven deadly sins. In some occasion, it bears the meaning of dignity, self-respect, or in Malay term “maruah”. So it is quite contradicting, isn’t it ? Shouldn’t we have self-respect; shouldn’t we defend ourselves from being humiliated?

Let us analyze if further.

In the context of the seven deadly sins, the pride means the emotion state where it is control by feeling and not rational. The emotion state is dictated by the 1st intuitive feeling against a scenario which is not orientated in the way that we want it to be.

For example, when I see John drive a newer car than mine, I become envy, out of pride.

So in that context, the pride has become the triggering point to envy, and if we don’t watch out the state of mind, we might end up victimized by the feeling. As in example above, I might talk to John with a very unfriendly manner, causing him to wonder why I had responded as such. Has he done anything wrong? This could lead to many misunderstanding in the future relationship.

IF, the pride is based on humanity factors: dignity, self-respect, or achievements, the pride here will be the emotional state that is followed with rational consideration. This will be a good state to be in.

Actually, we should take pride on things that we do, things that we executed. Pride can be a motivator to us, in achieving some feast. It can be a contributor to our personality, it can reflect in our integrity. For we love our pride, we would not want to lose it. We would watch what we talk, what we do.

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