Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Different scenary at opposite banks of a river...

A river has 2 banks, on the left, it is covered with green, the plants are healthy, the trees are tall and strong. On the right, the grass are lifeless, the plants are vanishing and the trees are slowly getting bold, each one fight for the limited resource left and heading for bankruptcy.

In the political scene of Malaysia, it was exactly the same scenario, on one hand, the majority after suffering the "humiliated minority victory of GE", still treating the wound and have no idea what medicine to use, the wound might get from bad to worse, and lead to death. No one today can assure that this bank will revive. There is no good doctor in it, or shall i say good doctor is not well come in this bank, or simply there is too many doctors with too many opinion and they have tough time figure out which one the best. There ain't many issues that can be used for the rivival, they are issues bankrupt.

On the other hand, the PR are taking this period to blossom, to strenthen, to carefully executing a grand plan. Collaboration among component parties are underlined with same political will, for a better Malaysia; a Malaysian's Malaysia, where opportunity are shared by all, progress are made for all, as long as one fit. when the right time comes, plants from the other bank will be made transfered to this bank. For this bank have richer soil, has less constraint to restrict thier growth.

The Political Eco system is slowly getting shape. It won't be long for the other bank to vanish and for this bank to florish. The ideas to progress has no limit, as the platform to take off has not set constraint on it, so long as you are capable, the sky the limit.

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