Friday, May 16, 2008

Sharing of 3 out of 7 habits of highly effective people

I send the following to a friend, who i promised her to give her a 15 minutes review on the 7 Habits of highly efficient people.
I have summarized 3, will soon publish the rest 4.

I was exposed to this book at least 6 -7 years ago, only recently that this 7 habits things pops up again and i have a second look at the same thing.

I am sharing this with you not only because i promise you, but it is because i think this 7 habits are very useful and would impact your life very much, as i do anticipated it is going to impact my life a lot.

By sharing this, i would also revising and reinforce what i learned, so you are in fact doing me a favor as well! :). I promise this text won't take longer than 15 minutes, and i hope you won't doze off at the 14th minutes.

I am following the sequence of the author, before we jump directly to the 7 habits, there are few things you need to understand. Paradigm is how we see the world is. Paradigm shift is how we see the world is different from what we used to see it was. That is a paradigm shift. May be the significant of this paradigm shift is because "The problem cannot be resolved , with the same level of thinking that created it". So if today we have problem, we can't be using the same thinking today, and hope we are going to change anything.

2nd is Emotional Bank A/C. This is particularly important for human interaction, where to maintain relationship we need to keep depositing into the Emotional Bank A/C. If we keep on withdrawing, it will become deficit. To deposit more means you need to communicated more, to understand more, to assist more, to be there when needed. To withdraw is lie, don't keep promise....etc.

3rd, you need to understand, the natural law of this world is interdependence. We all start from dependence, and later on independence and then becoming interdependence. There are many who have grown physically but are not growing accordingly mentally, so they are still dependence. Dependence people seek self -confident externally, independence people seek self-confident internally. One cannot jump from dependence state to interdependence stage without going through independence stage.

The 3rd are important when we study the 4th, 5th and 6th habits that would bring us from independence to interdependence.

Now we learn the first 3 habits that leads us out from dependence stage to independence.

1. Proactive
We are brought up in an environment in which others might do decision for us initially. We are living in a life which is scripted by other people, e.g. parents, teachers, etc. To be independence we have to be proactive, we have to believe we have the liberty to choose. With proactive, we will have options, options beyond those scripted.

2. Begin with an end in mind
Think in 3 years time, say we going to die. In our funeral, what do you want to hear on your eulogy, from your family member, your friend, your working mate and your community leaders ( church, charitable organization). This is all about blue print.

If proactive is to believe you have your own script, then 2nd behaviour is to write the script.

You can write out mission statement for your own, your family, your working mission etc.

3. First thing first
The third habit is for you to materialized your mission statement. to live your script. to walk the talk.

The 2nd habit is more directional , it is more towards leadership quality in nature. And the 3rd is the managing level, where you put things into order, you plan, you carry out, you control and you deliver using a time management guidance which will be provided below.

| Q1 Important | Q2 Important |
| Urgent | Not Urgent |
--------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Q3 Not Important | Q4 Not important |
| Urgent | Not urgent |

Urgent : something you must attend to NOW
Important : is something related to your mission statement

It is when you said you can't take MC that prompt me to share this to you.

Q1 : is normally crisis
Q2 : is the best quadrant of all, it is the quadrant we should always spent our time at, but due to no urgency, we normally lack of doing it. So, proactive (habit 1) is needed here
Q3 : This is something like a phone rang, the conversation might not have any value to you , but you just have to attend to it. It might be important to people at the other side, but it could be totally worthless to you.
Q4: This is a total waste of time thing, e.g. attending a meeting with no preparation, meeting that have no action at all. Too much of TV

Q1 : we can't ignore.
Q2 : if we ignore, Q1 going to expand further, bigger and bigger and can consume all of your life.
No point elaborating Q3 and Q4 as they are worth less.
We should always find time for Q2, but HOW ? BY borrowing time from Q3 and Q4, say "NO" to Q3 and Q4 will allow you to have more time for Q2.

More example for Q2 is like exercise, quality time with family, prevention etc. Very important but no urgency. For for that fact, it takes proactiveness to maintain it.

I guess your probably going to doze off very soon. I will keep the 4th , 5th , 6th and 7th until next time, that is if you still interested in.
I would feel more effective to tell you verbally. As it is hard to type. and you know, my writing is not impressive at all , so most likely it will just sound boring to you. At least if i tell you, i can have diff. intonation in between ....hahahaha...

1 comment:

KS Cheah said...

Hi Maddie,

Thanks for remembering Aunty Jeannie's death anniversary. Her memorial site is located at:

Uncle Cheah