Saturday, April 19, 2008


How much is enough ?

As usual, one find day, i dropped by the mamak shop to have a cup of coffee. As on that day, not many customer, the attendant cum cook talked to me. He was trying to see if i want to sell my phone, as he has sold his. He is about 28-30 of age

Below was our conversation :

Him : Boss , pakai dua telepon ka ?

Ya, kenapa ?

Him : Oh, boleh tengor movie, gambar semua ka ?

Oh, boleh, semual pun boleh.

Him : Ada gambar gambar X punya ka ?

Tak ade, tak ada dalam telepon.

(as a kind gesture, i use my phone to snap his video and show him).

Him : Saya punya telepon sudah jual.

Ya ke, you mau beli second hand punya ka ?

( he noted).

Tapi saya punya sudah manyak lama, ada problem sikit, you jangan beli ini lah.

( he just keep quite)

( out of curiousity to see what is his financial capability , to understand why he wants a 2nd hand phone).

Ee..., you kerja sini, boleh dapat berapa gaji ar ?

( normally this is quite sensitve, i am totally ok if he refuse to review)

Him : dalah RM 750 hingga 800 ratus, itu macam lah. Tapi boss kasi makan dan tempat tidur

(Surprise ?!! too !!, how the hell to survive).

Wah....itu macam, you kena kerja 7 hari kan ?

Him : ya, dari 7 am sampai 2am

( Another suprise!!!! sleep for 4-5 hours)

( then my kpc attitude creep out, as curious if he has any gf, as he hardly has time for courting)

Sudah ada gf kah ?

Him : tak ade , boss....

( as i know there is still arranged marriage in indian community, i just use that to close converstaion).

Tak pe, nanti you punya ibu bapa akan arrange lah ...

For me, i can't think of how to make a living with RM 800/=, my fix exp per month alone is multiple times of that amount.

If a person can make a living with that money, i should able to, but why i am still feeling my earning is still not enough ?!!!

女人为悦己者容 - 还是个事实吗?

有云 : [女人为悦己者容], 女人为了自己所爱的人打扮,好掏对方的欢心。

今 天,md 刚同 sri melor 哪儿回来,(i can't sleep without supper!!! sigh). 在哪,看到了一位女孩,长长的头发, 样子很甜美,但是却画了一个很浓很浓的妆, 还图上了一 黑色的指甲油, 还穿上了黑色衣服。 看了蛮碍眼的。 ( I am still very much a heritage of an old shool :) ).

回来,和侄女谈了一下,她说,今天今日, 女人已不再在乎男人的眼光, 最重要是要 自己开心。

女人不再 为悦己者容, 只 为悦己而容。男人, 也不再 为悦己者穷, 只 为悦己而穷。

同另方面来看, 这未赏不是件好事。每个人都为自己而活, 在不伤害他人之下,拥有属于自己的个体,主张和自由。

来,我们该拥抱这 [男女大同 的时代] 。

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Post AAB era

Am i nut ? Post AAB era ? AAB is still the PM now and UMNO Party election is at the end of the year!

If we look around, AAB is facing many "opposition" from within UMNO, as MD said before, there will be many in-fighting, and UMNO will be the most interesting of all among all the component parties in BN.

AAB today faces 4 major sources of threat, may be the most strongest "opposition" came from Dr. M. Dr. M has been in past few years requested AAB to "undur", stating he has chosen the "Wrong" one. And right after Mar 8,08, he had again requesting AAB to step down. Mukriz, Dr M's son, has emulate his father foot step, wrote a letter requesting AAB to step down, for losing the 12th GE. M influence in UMNO are still very strong, and it seems AAB has been pushed to admit that he is one of the factor that lead to 12th GE failure.

The second threat, from Ku LI and Muyiddin. Both of them are veteran in UMNO, have enough grassroot support. Both have in some way gesturing that they would seek election to be the party top leader. Ku Li might be a bit too old but dont discount him as he has 200,000 ex-46 members walking behind him, and he might also gain some others from existing UMNO member. Muyiddin, he was AAB supporters, but he seems to be agreeing that AAB should step down so that UMNO can be revamp easier. Now that Dr M has given up Najib for the PM post, if he plays the right card, he might be able to ride on the wave.

Third, from DSAI, it is still unclear at this point, will the 30 "jumpers" do the jump. DSAI/PKR/DAP/PAS would not want to miss out this opportunity and wait for another 5 years. And they definitely don't want the 2 previous "opposition" to take over AAB, as that will be harder for them to repeat the same victory after 5 years. So, i believe PR would do something as well to ensure the post would not falls into others' hand.

Fourth, from Najib, Najib would not want to see a PM from PR. As he will have hard time doing all the explaining. Though he might still be with AAB, but we would not know if he would change his mind later on, when (if) AAB seems to be losing out.

So it is not too early to look at post AAB era, right !? :).

if AAB steps down, if someone from PR becomes PM, it will make the entire BN to shiver. PR will have access to all documents and data. Many issues in questioning now, would be dealt with.

If Ku Li or Muyiddin becomes PM, then we can expect to see more and more Dr. M's influnce in the governing. I believe both will take his "advices" seriously. Would there be any Dr. M era ?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Why pay RM 1.5 for something lesser ?

I always felt i am blessed for being sent into a Chinese Primary school by my parents. Though after primary school i was transfered into "normal" school which had no mandarin class. But the learning in primary has set enough foundation for me to move on with my own journey. I pick up more words and vocabulary via news paper and literatures.

The education i had in primary allows me to read both Chinese and English dailies, but normally, i won't buy news paper, as i don't believe in main stream media anyway, i just browse through them whenever there is availability, if not, i would just made do with what is on the net.

Today, i read through SinChew at mum's place and found a column which Mukriz talked about Malay Speicial rights. In the column, Mukriz mentioned that Malay Special Rights are not meant for eternity, it can be removed by the Malay themselves once they are comfortable to compete. He further justify that point by referring to Vision 2020 ( his father's baby), which does not even talk about Malay Privilege.

I then left my mum's place after dinner ( i normally dine there), as usual, i would just goto mamak stall, asked for a cup of black coffee and a ciggie. Since there was Sxxr news paper around, i just looked through it , trying to find out similar writing as in SinChew. Guess what, i couldn't find it, i browse through few times but still no where to be found.

It seems the media didn't learn, still practicing filtering in news. It would be hard to convince myself that Mukriz did not invite reporters from the Sxxr paper. And it is too obvious a reason if to skip publishing this news. So, i am very much convinced that Sxxr has decided to drop the news.

Really, why are we still pay RM 1.5 to buy this paper when we know what we get was either distorted or less informed news.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Are we over value ourselves ?

Malaysia has in past 10 years built many mega projects. Petronas tower, Cyberjaya, LRT and etc. Many foreigners that have came to Malaysia for the 1st time, were impressed and had their perception of Malaysia corrected. Malaysian no longer stay on the tree these days.

But internally, Malaysian knows that these are not something great to shout about. Look at the many issues we have in the country, jurisdiction losing trust, dropping of ranking in our education, recurring of flooding, increasing crime rate etc. These are all the doing, or not doing what suppose to be done by some people. These people fail to deliver expectation of those who put trust in them. There is no suprise that we always labelled our country that has 1st class infra, and 9th class mentality / people. In fact, for MD, i would rather put we are 2nd class in infra, 9th class mentality, with the money we spend on these project, if it is done in foreign country, it could be much better than what we get, at least we know it would not collapse for no reason, or leaks within months before completion. So, what we get is really 2nd class structure with 1st class price.

I have pondered over all these, trying to find out a reason why we continue to develop 2nd class infrastructure, while we know our mentality is not there ? Is it because it is better to invest in infra then people ? In fact, the megas are there only to make our mentality and the infra gap more significant. Are the leaders so dump that fail to recognized these , or there is some other things that they are after.

What is lacking in normal Malaysian may be is the courage to face the reality, we fail to recognized the importance of knowing where we really are, so that we are not again live in the impression that we built in according to what we like to believe than the reality.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Johari Window and interaction improvement

Known to SelfNot Known to Self
Known to Othersopen blind
Not Known to Othershidden unknown

Johari window is a model often used in the discussion of Human Interaction. The model is named after the invendor, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham.

The model is shown above. The model explains from the personal awareness. It divides personal awareness into 4 pane.

The "Open" pane, is what you aware of yourself, and other see yourself as what you see yourself are.

The "Blind" pane, is what other see you are, but you are not aware of yourself.

The "Hidden" pane, represent what you aware of yourself, but is not known to other. In a way, it is just like a secret to yourself.

The "Mystery" pane, represent things about you that is not known to yourself and others.

Often, without other understand yourself, the interaction tends to be difficult, others might be very cautious of what he says as afraid of offending yourself. Very often, misunderstanding can happen.

So to improve human interaction for yourself, what you can do is to uncover more of yourself to the others i.e. expanding the Open panel.

Known to SelfNot Known to Self
Known to Othersopen blind
Not Known to Othershidden unknown

This does not only apply to stranger, but it apply to even people close to you, including wife, husband, your children, your parents, your relative , your neighbour, colleagues etc.

Monday, April 7, 2008

2008 谁是 造势 英雄 , 谁是 时势 英雄

2008 年,对大马人而言, 是个不平凡的年份。 选民突破了5。13 的迷思,史无前列的让在野党 在五个州属执政。

人民的政治思维大耀进 ,开拓了一个新的政治空间, 改变了 整个政治局面, 落实了一个新的平台让跨种族的政党, 能够带领马来西亚 跳出种族政治的筐筐。

这个改变,源自好几个政治推手,有DAP的林吉祥,林冠英,有回教党的党魁 Nik Aziz Nik Ma,当然少不了 PKR de factor leader Anwar.

吸起了历届的教训, 掌握了选民的 情绪,看准了人民 在只涨不跌 的物价 的怨气, 再加上 国阵一党独大, 语无轮次的傲慢,反对党 策列性 得用 internet, sms 的力量, 推出了一股前所未有的反风, 一举夺下了五洲政权, 正可谓是造势的英雄。

选后,执政党里吹起了一股要党魁负责谢罪,造就了 一个内讧, 权力争夺 的局面, 谁将会是这个时势的收益者呢?谁会是这个时势造就的英雄呢?我们就拭目以待吧! 

---similar post also available in, under my id Maddog aka MD.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Testing to post a song

Where is BN heading after GE2008 ?

3.8 had left a deep scar into BN. 3 weeks after 3.8, we see that PR has moved on to setup government and composing themselves to grow bigger, via a new coalition called Pakatan Rakyat. If there is no ship jumping, there is hardly any dramatic episode expected from PR, except to expect more policies that are aimed to improve the nasib of the rakyat.

Now, MD switch channel to watch BN, it seems more interesting on this side. BN consists of so many parties, but until now , no leader in single party has actually step down, as sign of accountability for the lost. In UMNO, the voices to call AAB to step down has grown louder, and more public. Many leaders are forced to make stands, many that still sit on the wall would later find themselves losing popularity, with that, very soon, we will see the formation of camp to pro AAB and camp to ask him to step down.

On MCA, many has claimed that OKT try to set up Ong'dynasty. Again, 2 camps is expected, but i would say MCA would not be that exciting as UMNO, as who care about MCA now, the lost in GE2008 only marks Chinese no longer supporting them. As far as MD concern, MCA would need a new presiden, OKT has lost due to his low tone. MCA has an image of only knows how to kow-tow when pressured to. So MCA need a total revamp in order to at least bring up interest from the public to start to look at it from a worthy point. As long as OKT still there, there is nothing interesting there.

MIC pula, it is irrelevent now, as Samy Vellu still there, playing cheap politics , talam dua muka.

It will take at least a year from now before we can see a new direction from BN, as they need to go through party election towards the end of the year to re-select leader, and to allow the leaders to start strategize on the drawing board, hoping to regain support.

BUT, can they beat PR ? If BN is still consist of raced-based party ?