Saturday, April 19, 2008

How much is enough ?

As usual, one find day, i dropped by the mamak shop to have a cup of coffee. As on that day, not many customer, the attendant cum cook talked to me. He was trying to see if i want to sell my phone, as he has sold his. He is about 28-30 of age

Below was our conversation :

Him : Boss , pakai dua telepon ka ?

Ya, kenapa ?

Him : Oh, boleh tengor movie, gambar semua ka ?

Oh, boleh, semual pun boleh.

Him : Ada gambar gambar X punya ka ?

Tak ade, tak ada dalam telepon.

(as a kind gesture, i use my phone to snap his video and show him).

Him : Saya punya telepon sudah jual.

Ya ke, you mau beli second hand punya ka ?

( he noted).

Tapi saya punya sudah manyak lama, ada problem sikit, you jangan beli ini lah.

( he just keep quite)

( out of curiousity to see what is his financial capability , to understand why he wants a 2nd hand phone).

Ee..., you kerja sini, boleh dapat berapa gaji ar ?

( normally this is quite sensitve, i am totally ok if he refuse to review)

Him : dalah RM 750 hingga 800 ratus, itu macam lah. Tapi boss kasi makan dan tempat tidur

(Surprise ?!! too !!, how the hell to survive).

Wah....itu macam, you kena kerja 7 hari kan ?

Him : ya, dari 7 am sampai 2am

( Another suprise!!!! sleep for 4-5 hours)

( then my kpc attitude creep out, as curious if he has any gf, as he hardly has time for courting)

Sudah ada gf kah ?

Him : tak ade , boss....

( as i know there is still arranged marriage in indian community, i just use that to close converstaion).

Tak pe, nanti you punya ibu bapa akan arrange lah ...

For me, i can't think of how to make a living with RM 800/=, my fix exp per month alone is multiple times of that amount.

If a person can make a living with that money, i should able to, but why i am still feeling my earning is still not enough ?!!!

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