Thursday, April 10, 2008

Johari Window and interaction improvement

Known to SelfNot Known to Self
Known to Othersopen blind
Not Known to Othershidden unknown

Johari window is a model often used in the discussion of Human Interaction. The model is named after the invendor, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham.

The model is shown above. The model explains from the personal awareness. It divides personal awareness into 4 pane.

The "Open" pane, is what you aware of yourself, and other see yourself as what you see yourself are.

The "Blind" pane, is what other see you are, but you are not aware of yourself.

The "Hidden" pane, represent what you aware of yourself, but is not known to other. In a way, it is just like a secret to yourself.

The "Mystery" pane, represent things about you that is not known to yourself and others.

Often, without other understand yourself, the interaction tends to be difficult, others might be very cautious of what he says as afraid of offending yourself. Very often, misunderstanding can happen.

So to improve human interaction for yourself, what you can do is to uncover more of yourself to the others i.e. expanding the Open panel.

Known to SelfNot Known to Self
Known to Othersopen blind
Not Known to Othershidden unknown

This does not only apply to stranger, but it apply to even people close to you, including wife, husband, your children, your parents, your relative , your neighbour, colleagues etc.

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