Friday, May 16, 2008

Sharing of 3 out of 7 habits of highly effective people

I send the following to a friend, who i promised her to give her a 15 minutes review on the 7 Habits of highly efficient people.
I have summarized 3, will soon publish the rest 4.

I was exposed to this book at least 6 -7 years ago, only recently that this 7 habits things pops up again and i have a second look at the same thing.

I am sharing this with you not only because i promise you, but it is because i think this 7 habits are very useful and would impact your life very much, as i do anticipated it is going to impact my life a lot.

By sharing this, i would also revising and reinforce what i learned, so you are in fact doing me a favor as well! :). I promise this text won't take longer than 15 minutes, and i hope you won't doze off at the 14th minutes.

I am following the sequence of the author, before we jump directly to the 7 habits, there are few things you need to understand. Paradigm is how we see the world is. Paradigm shift is how we see the world is different from what we used to see it was. That is a paradigm shift. May be the significant of this paradigm shift is because "The problem cannot be resolved , with the same level of thinking that created it". So if today we have problem, we can't be using the same thinking today, and hope we are going to change anything.

2nd is Emotional Bank A/C. This is particularly important for human interaction, where to maintain relationship we need to keep depositing into the Emotional Bank A/C. If we keep on withdrawing, it will become deficit. To deposit more means you need to communicated more, to understand more, to assist more, to be there when needed. To withdraw is lie, don't keep promise....etc.

3rd, you need to understand, the natural law of this world is interdependence. We all start from dependence, and later on independence and then becoming interdependence. There are many who have grown physically but are not growing accordingly mentally, so they are still dependence. Dependence people seek self -confident externally, independence people seek self-confident internally. One cannot jump from dependence state to interdependence stage without going through independence stage.

The 3rd are important when we study the 4th, 5th and 6th habits that would bring us from independence to interdependence.

Now we learn the first 3 habits that leads us out from dependence stage to independence.

1. Proactive
We are brought up in an environment in which others might do decision for us initially. We are living in a life which is scripted by other people, e.g. parents, teachers, etc. To be independence we have to be proactive, we have to believe we have the liberty to choose. With proactive, we will have options, options beyond those scripted.

2. Begin with an end in mind
Think in 3 years time, say we going to die. In our funeral, what do you want to hear on your eulogy, from your family member, your friend, your working mate and your community leaders ( church, charitable organization). This is all about blue print.

If proactive is to believe you have your own script, then 2nd behaviour is to write the script.

You can write out mission statement for your own, your family, your working mission etc.

3. First thing first
The third habit is for you to materialized your mission statement. to live your script. to walk the talk.

The 2nd habit is more directional , it is more towards leadership quality in nature. And the 3rd is the managing level, where you put things into order, you plan, you carry out, you control and you deliver using a time management guidance which will be provided below.

| Q1 Important | Q2 Important |
| Urgent | Not Urgent |
--------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Q3 Not Important | Q4 Not important |
| Urgent | Not urgent |

Urgent : something you must attend to NOW
Important : is something related to your mission statement

It is when you said you can't take MC that prompt me to share this to you.

Q1 : is normally crisis
Q2 : is the best quadrant of all, it is the quadrant we should always spent our time at, but due to no urgency, we normally lack of doing it. So, proactive (habit 1) is needed here
Q3 : This is something like a phone rang, the conversation might not have any value to you , but you just have to attend to it. It might be important to people at the other side, but it could be totally worthless to you.
Q4: This is a total waste of time thing, e.g. attending a meeting with no preparation, meeting that have no action at all. Too much of TV

Q1 : we can't ignore.
Q2 : if we ignore, Q1 going to expand further, bigger and bigger and can consume all of your life.
No point elaborating Q3 and Q4 as they are worth less.
We should always find time for Q2, but HOW ? BY borrowing time from Q3 and Q4, say "NO" to Q3 and Q4 will allow you to have more time for Q2.

More example for Q2 is like exercise, quality time with family, prevention etc. Very important but no urgency. For for that fact, it takes proactiveness to maintain it.

I guess your probably going to doze off very soon. I will keep the 4th , 5th , 6th and 7th until next time, that is if you still interested in.
I would feel more effective to tell you verbally. As it is hard to type. and you know, my writing is not impressive at all , so most likely it will just sound boring to you. At least if i tell you, i can have diff. intonation in between ....hahahaha...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Different scenary at opposite banks of a river...

A river has 2 banks, on the left, it is covered with green, the plants are healthy, the trees are tall and strong. On the right, the grass are lifeless, the plants are vanishing and the trees are slowly getting bold, each one fight for the limited resource left and heading for bankruptcy.

In the political scene of Malaysia, it was exactly the same scenario, on one hand, the majority after suffering the "humiliated minority victory of GE", still treating the wound and have no idea what medicine to use, the wound might get from bad to worse, and lead to death. No one today can assure that this bank will revive. There is no good doctor in it, or shall i say good doctor is not well come in this bank, or simply there is too many doctors with too many opinion and they have tough time figure out which one the best. There ain't many issues that can be used for the rivival, they are issues bankrupt.

On the other hand, the PR are taking this period to blossom, to strenthen, to carefully executing a grand plan. Collaboration among component parties are underlined with same political will, for a better Malaysia; a Malaysian's Malaysia, where opportunity are shared by all, progress are made for all, as long as one fit. when the right time comes, plants from the other bank will be made transfered to this bank. For this bank have richer soil, has less constraint to restrict thier growth.

The Political Eco system is slowly getting shape. It won't be long for the other bank to vanish and for this bank to florish. The ideas to progress has no limit, as the platform to take off has not set constraint on it, so long as you are capable, the sky the limit.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


How much is enough ?

As usual, one find day, i dropped by the mamak shop to have a cup of coffee. As on that day, not many customer, the attendant cum cook talked to me. He was trying to see if i want to sell my phone, as he has sold his. He is about 28-30 of age

Below was our conversation :

Him : Boss , pakai dua telepon ka ?

Ya, kenapa ?

Him : Oh, boleh tengor movie, gambar semua ka ?

Oh, boleh, semual pun boleh.

Him : Ada gambar gambar X punya ka ?

Tak ade, tak ada dalam telepon.

(as a kind gesture, i use my phone to snap his video and show him).

Him : Saya punya telepon sudah jual.

Ya ke, you mau beli second hand punya ka ?

( he noted).

Tapi saya punya sudah manyak lama, ada problem sikit, you jangan beli ini lah.

( he just keep quite)

( out of curiousity to see what is his financial capability , to understand why he wants a 2nd hand phone).

Ee..., you kerja sini, boleh dapat berapa gaji ar ?

( normally this is quite sensitve, i am totally ok if he refuse to review)

Him : dalah RM 750 hingga 800 ratus, itu macam lah. Tapi boss kasi makan dan tempat tidur

(Surprise ?!! too !!, how the hell to survive).

Wah....itu macam, you kena kerja 7 hari kan ?

Him : ya, dari 7 am sampai 2am

( Another suprise!!!! sleep for 4-5 hours)

( then my kpc attitude creep out, as curious if he has any gf, as he hardly has time for courting)

Sudah ada gf kah ?

Him : tak ade , boss....

( as i know there is still arranged marriage in indian community, i just use that to close converstaion).

Tak pe, nanti you punya ibu bapa akan arrange lah ...

For me, i can't think of how to make a living with RM 800/=, my fix exp per month alone is multiple times of that amount.

If a person can make a living with that money, i should able to, but why i am still feeling my earning is still not enough ?!!!

女人为悦己者容 - 还是个事实吗?

有云 : [女人为悦己者容], 女人为了自己所爱的人打扮,好掏对方的欢心。

今 天,md 刚同 sri melor 哪儿回来,(i can't sleep without supper!!! sigh). 在哪,看到了一位女孩,长长的头发, 样子很甜美,但是却画了一个很浓很浓的妆, 还图上了一 黑色的指甲油, 还穿上了黑色衣服。 看了蛮碍眼的。 ( I am still very much a heritage of an old shool :) ).

回来,和侄女谈了一下,她说,今天今日, 女人已不再在乎男人的眼光, 最重要是要 自己开心。

女人不再 为悦己者容, 只 为悦己而容。男人, 也不再 为悦己者穷, 只 为悦己而穷。

同另方面来看, 这未赏不是件好事。每个人都为自己而活, 在不伤害他人之下,拥有属于自己的个体,主张和自由。

来,我们该拥抱这 [男女大同 的时代] 。

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Post AAB era

Am i nut ? Post AAB era ? AAB is still the PM now and UMNO Party election is at the end of the year!

If we look around, AAB is facing many "opposition" from within UMNO, as MD said before, there will be many in-fighting, and UMNO will be the most interesting of all among all the component parties in BN.

AAB today faces 4 major sources of threat, may be the most strongest "opposition" came from Dr. M. Dr. M has been in past few years requested AAB to "undur", stating he has chosen the "Wrong" one. And right after Mar 8,08, he had again requesting AAB to step down. Mukriz, Dr M's son, has emulate his father foot step, wrote a letter requesting AAB to step down, for losing the 12th GE. M influence in UMNO are still very strong, and it seems AAB has been pushed to admit that he is one of the factor that lead to 12th GE failure.

The second threat, from Ku LI and Muyiddin. Both of them are veteran in UMNO, have enough grassroot support. Both have in some way gesturing that they would seek election to be the party top leader. Ku Li might be a bit too old but dont discount him as he has 200,000 ex-46 members walking behind him, and he might also gain some others from existing UMNO member. Muyiddin, he was AAB supporters, but he seems to be agreeing that AAB should step down so that UMNO can be revamp easier. Now that Dr M has given up Najib for the PM post, if he plays the right card, he might be able to ride on the wave.

Third, from DSAI, it is still unclear at this point, will the 30 "jumpers" do the jump. DSAI/PKR/DAP/PAS would not want to miss out this opportunity and wait for another 5 years. And they definitely don't want the 2 previous "opposition" to take over AAB, as that will be harder for them to repeat the same victory after 5 years. So, i believe PR would do something as well to ensure the post would not falls into others' hand.

Fourth, from Najib, Najib would not want to see a PM from PR. As he will have hard time doing all the explaining. Though he might still be with AAB, but we would not know if he would change his mind later on, when (if) AAB seems to be losing out.

So it is not too early to look at post AAB era, right !? :).

if AAB steps down, if someone from PR becomes PM, it will make the entire BN to shiver. PR will have access to all documents and data. Many issues in questioning now, would be dealt with.

If Ku Li or Muyiddin becomes PM, then we can expect to see more and more Dr. M's influnce in the governing. I believe both will take his "advices" seriously. Would there be any Dr. M era ?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Why pay RM 1.5 for something lesser ?

I always felt i am blessed for being sent into a Chinese Primary school by my parents. Though after primary school i was transfered into "normal" school which had no mandarin class. But the learning in primary has set enough foundation for me to move on with my own journey. I pick up more words and vocabulary via news paper and literatures.

The education i had in primary allows me to read both Chinese and English dailies, but normally, i won't buy news paper, as i don't believe in main stream media anyway, i just browse through them whenever there is availability, if not, i would just made do with what is on the net.

Today, i read through SinChew at mum's place and found a column which Mukriz talked about Malay Speicial rights. In the column, Mukriz mentioned that Malay Special Rights are not meant for eternity, it can be removed by the Malay themselves once they are comfortable to compete. He further justify that point by referring to Vision 2020 ( his father's baby), which does not even talk about Malay Privilege.

I then left my mum's place after dinner ( i normally dine there), as usual, i would just goto mamak stall, asked for a cup of black coffee and a ciggie. Since there was Sxxr news paper around, i just looked through it , trying to find out similar writing as in SinChew. Guess what, i couldn't find it, i browse through few times but still no where to be found.

It seems the media didn't learn, still practicing filtering in news. It would be hard to convince myself that Mukriz did not invite reporters from the Sxxr paper. And it is too obvious a reason if to skip publishing this news. So, i am very much convinced that Sxxr has decided to drop the news.

Really, why are we still pay RM 1.5 to buy this paper when we know what we get was either distorted or less informed news.